
How Clickbus's Product Operations team automated 83% of their work

✏️ Summary

Clickbus’ Product Operations team turned Abstra into their central hub for safe automation, with meaningful impact in key product metrics.

They streamlined processes such as partner onboarding, route matching, and last-minute offers.

The team of analysts was able to harness Abstra's intuitive AI features and support to build these robust processes in Python, gaining full autonomy from IT and engineering teams.

📈 Key results

• 83% reduction in partner lead time

• 34x increase in ticket processed

• 91% reduction in engineering costs

• Direct automation-to-GMV impact for all automated processes

Clickbus is the leading marketplace for online bus tickets across Brazil, offering customers access to over 6,000 routes between cities. Beyond ticket sales, Clickbus has established itself as a cutting-edge technology provider, delivering whitelabel products and services to bus companies and travel marketplaces.


As a rapidly expanding company, Clickbus faced the task of scaling critical business processes, which involved internal teams, commercial partners, and clients. These processes were highly fragmented and manual, spanning multiple tools such as Google Forms, spreadsheets, Monday.com, Postman, and Clickbus’ own APIs.

The labor-intensive nature and inter-team dependencies bogged down efficiency, stretching essential tasks such as API credential creation to up to six days.

First on the agenda – tackling Partner Onboarding

Facing these inefficiencies head-on, the Product Operations (POPs) team at Clickbus first took on Abstra to automate Partner Onboarding. They were stuck managing a process which included back-and-forth exchanges between the Finance and Commercial teams, API wait times and consumed over 10 hours of weekly work.

Using Abstra, they built a streamlined Workflow that reduced average lead time for partners to get access to API credentials from 6 days to just under 24 hours. Commercial teams could now self-serve credential requests, with the POPs team simply overseeing the process instead of being mired in its execution.

This centralized approach eradicated manual labor and lengthy exchanges, preserved sensitive data, and ensured partners received credentials securely and swiftly.

Leveling up coding skills

The POPs team is a team of business and data analysts, not developers. But excelling in Abstra was easy. Within days, the team harnessed the platform's intuitive features, such as its AI smart assistant and stellar support, simplifying the coding process.

This quick learning curve allowed them to gain valuable Python skills and operate with a level of capacity and effectiveness reminiscent of a full-stack engineering team, automating work and driving impactful changes independently.

Internal expansion of Abstra

After the success of the Credentials project, Abstra became Clickbus’ go-to centralized, safe and easy-to-use platform for automation. This kickstarted other teams beyond Product Operations to take automation into their own hands.

A few other key projects were:

  1. Matching whitelabel connections: Improved route efficiency by implementing partner integrations that reduced the number of routes without return trips. Saw 20x increase in GMV and 14x increase in ticket sales for this route category.
  2. Coupon generation: Gave HR and CX teams autonomy to handle the coupon generation process, which once took manual tech effort. This change slashed creation time from 30 days to just 1 hour.
  3. Last Minute activation: Optimized operational workflows to respond swiftly to market demands for last-minute offers, with significant impacts in company's GMV.
  4. Google Transit integration: Facilitated exporting of Clickbus routes for Google Transit integration, which saved 2h of daily manual work and gave other teams autonomy.

Key results

From tackling fragmented processes to achieving unprecedented efficiency, Clickbus’ transformative journey with Abstra underscores the power of strategic technological integration. By automating critical business processes, Clickbus has not only optimized its operational landscape but also positioned itself as a dynamic tech innovator in the travel industry.

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